Pickled Eggs and Beets

3 large beets, cooked and cut in quarters
18 hardboiled eggs, peeled (approx)
2 cups vinegar
2 cups water
1 cup sugar (brown or white)
1/2 tsp whole allspice
1/2 tsp whole cloves
1 stick cinnamon
1 tsp salt

Boil viengar, water, sugar and spices, let cool and pour over eggs and beets. Let sit for several days before eating.

Swiss Steak Mozzarella

2 lbs round steak
4 oz Butter
1 lg can tomatoes (diced or stewed)
1/2 cup chopped onion
1/2 cup shredded Mozzarella cheese
1/2 cup chopped green pepper
1/2 cup dry red wine
1/2 tsp dried sweet basil
Pepper, to taste (the canned tomatoes have enough salt in them)

Sprinkle flour on meat and pound to tenderize. Cut meat into individual serving pieces and brown in butter.

Add basil, pepper (salt, if adding any), tomatoes,  green pepper, and wine to meat. Simmer, covered, about 1 hour. Uncover and continue cooking until meat is tender and sauce is thickened.

Take meat out and top with cheese; place under broiler until cheese melts. Spoon sauce over meat. Serve with rice or egg noodles.

Veteran’s Day

Dad served about 22 months in WWII (he’s not sure of the exact time  but he joined near the end of the war). He went to New Orleans and FL for training then to the South Pacific, serving on a small boat. He said there were 16 crew plus 4 gunners from another boat (no one in his crew could shoot) on a 110 ft boat. It needed towed a lot because it couldn’t hold enough fuel. They went out to sea to support the bombers – circling in the water, waiting for the pilots to bail out. None did. When the runs were finished, they were towed back to port.

He spent his time in the service circling in the ocean, waiting to rescue pilots in a boat that couldn’t hold enough gas to go anywhere….

I wish I knew more of his war stories. The only one he really talked about was being within 50 miles of australia and never going to shore there. He always wanted to go back, but after he retired, he always had excuses about why they couldn’t go.

Oh, and he talked about the endless meals of spam.

Dumb things kids do part 1

The neighbor kid isn’t the only one who does dumb things… my kids had their share.

We lived in Maine and I went all winter with a cracked windshield because I didn’t want a rock getting kicked into a new windowshield (they used 1/2 inch screens to filter sand and cinders).

So one Friday afternoon in May, I finally had the windshield replaced. Saturday afternoon Phil and Chris played catch in the side yard. Chris threw a ball high and hard… and hit the car… cracking my new windshield. 

His father was not a happy camper. 🙂

If this is the worst thing the kid does…

Our neighbor’s son is about 14 and was riding a dirt bike across the backyard last night.. when he rode his dirt bke straight into the fence. I was afraid Phil would go off on the kid, but he was calm and didn’t say much to the kid.

We had just went outside to look at the lot behind the house after the homeowner’s son spent the entire day clearing the underbrush from the back of the lot, when we saw the kid riding a dirt bike in the backyeard heading straight for the fence. I was wondering when he was going to turn and ride down beside it. Apparently never…  <g>

Springtime omelette

We had just enough asparagus for 1 person and I couldn’t sneak it all for myself… so I made an omelette for brunch. Asparagus,  green pepper, onion, parsley, chives, basil… everything except the green pepper and eggs were from my garden.


My second AirDesk

I’ve had an airdesk for a little over 6 years, since a friend introduced me to one. I love it – it was in my office in TN and i used it all the time. I put it in the office here and used it when i worked in the office, which is not 100% of the time (like i did in TN). I’m under a deadline and have been working in the living room a lot lately but tired of using the laptop on my lap – for some reason, it was too easy to get distracted with the laptop on my lap  (plus my arms were getting sore). So i moved the airdesk to the living room. But now I don’t work in my office at all because i don’t have a laptop desk there… so i ordered one for my office. I also got a mouse shelf and cup shelf. I’m not sure which desk i will use those on yet.

Yes, there are cheaper “solutions” for using laptops on couches… but its highly configurable. It’s easy to adjust – and adjusts in every way imaginable. My laptop DVD was broken twice because i set it on the floor – with the airdesk, I just need to push it out of the way.

Office Communication Server

Is the worst application I have ever installed in 20 years. Exchange server was a piece of cake to install and configure.

Very little is automated in the OCS installation. The failure messages are not very clear and its nearly impossible to figure out what is wrong.

First error: windows media not installed. It took forever before i figured out i needed to install the Desktop Experience crap on my server. (WTF? Why is it needed on a server?) Then it halted on an activation error. After another wasted  few hours, i found an article that it was a hotfi that needed to be uninstalled.

You know you are old… part 2

When Cece was about 10, she asked for a postage stamp. I dug one out of my stash and she took it back to her room. She came back a few minutes last and asked how to use it.

I usually got the self stick stamps and she had never licked one.

You know you are old…

Year: late 80’s, early 90’s. Chris was about 12 or so. We were at the farmhouse and mom told him to call my sister’s and talk to her kids. He stared at the rotary phone and had no idea how to use it.