It finally feels like a normal summer

It’s been a bad summer – between writing a book and my parent’s illness and deaths, the spring and summer has been anything but normal. We didn’t put the gazebo up until almost memorial day and didn’t bother to put up the party lights. The garden was planted late… I had the peppers and zucchini in late May and we finally rushed the tomatoes in the morning Dad went into surgery – I didn’t know when I’d be home again so I stuck them in the wet lumpy soil Phil turned over for me.

Anyway… the kids came over for supper. They said they were going to leave at 8 to take the new baby home, and I was looking forward to a quiet house. It was a pleasant evening, so we had dinner on the deck, a few bottles of wine and the grandkids played in the yard after supper. They played ball while it was still light and didn’t want to go home. Their mom relented, so they tried catching lightening bugs at dusk, and after dark, they played light tag with my pen lights (I got them to give out at shows). I’m glad they stayed longer – I needed the normalcy.